The 2023 Southern Blue Ridge Prescribed Fire Training Exchange will take place October 30 - November 10, 2023. We plan to host 60-80 firefighters from around the world. We are currently contacting anyone who applied and was accepted to the 2021 SBR TREX, which was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
For a full description and details, please read this introduction, the About section on this site, and the TREX Application Packet.
The cost to participate is $400 to cover the cost of food and lodging, due upon selection and acceptance to the TREX program.
For more information on TREX programs, go to:
Please note, each participant and their employer are responsible for all paid and/or vacation time, including overtime, accrued during TREX. It is the responsibility of participants to inform supervisors of the training schedule, hours (approx. 10-12 hours/day), costs to participate in TREX and make any logistical and administrative arrangements regarding pay prior to arrival.
If you have any questions about applying or acceptance to SBR TREX 2023, please contact Jen Bunty,